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COVID-19 Help
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
For the latest CDC updates, click here.
What is a COVID-19 Community Level?
COVID-19 Community Levels are a new tool to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data.
Levels can be low, medium, or high and are determined by looking at:
hospital beds being used
hospital admissions
total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area
Take precautions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 based on the COVID-19 Community Level in your area.
To find out the community level for your area, click here.
COVID-19 Vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna: What's in them and how do they work?
To learn more, click here.
Three vaccines are now available - Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson-Janssen. To learn more about each vaccine, click here.

CDC Recommends Pediatric COVID Vaccine for Children 5-11 Years Old
Read more.
How and Where Can I Get a Covid Test?
Insurance Reimbursement for At-Home Tests
You can purchase these tests on-line or through a pharmacy or store. Most people with a health plan can now go online, or to a pharmacy or store to purchase an at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic test authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at no cost, either through reimbursement or free of charge through their insurance. This applies whether you purchased your health plan on your own or whether you get health insurance through your job. Your health insurance company will pay you back for 8 at-home tests per month for each person on the plan.
To learn more, click here.
Free Covid Test Kits Now Available
Free at-home COVID-19 tests can now be ordered on and will be delivered by USPS. Limit of 1 order per household and each order contains four individual tests. To order, click here.
Find a Testing Location Near You
COVID-19 tests are available to everyone in the U.S., including the uninsured. To find a location near you, click this link and select Georgia to find health centers and pharmacies that offer low or no cost testing. Check your local health department and local news for additional testing sites in your area.
How to get a COVID-19 vaccine in metro Atlanta (11Alive.com)
Appointments are required to get a vaccine at the state-run vaccination sites. You can now register for vaccination appointments at Well-BeingGeorgia.com.
You can also check with private businesses providing the vaccines, including:

Additional Covid Vaccination and Testing Resource
Viral Solutions is providing vaccinations and testing with no appointment needed, no wait and no out-of-pocket cost. All insurance is accepted. For more information and site locations, click here.
Georgia Department of Health
COVID-19 Vaccines - Safe. Tested. Effective. To read about Georgia's COVID-19 vaccine plan, click here.
Quarantine Guidance after COVID Exposure

Graphic is courtesy of Dr. Jodie Guest, Professor at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and Vice Chair of the Department of Epidemiology. Dr. Guest is leading a COVID-19 outbreak response team in Hall County, Georgia and other hard-hit communities across Georgia. She serves on the leadership team for the Emory COVID Response Collaborative (ECRC) working on outbreak response testing to support state health districts.
For larger version, click here.
Unsure of what type of mask to use?
To be safe, it’s important to wear the proper mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. It’s also important to remember that any mask is better than no mask. However, the CDC continues to recommend that you wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently. To learn more about the different types of masks, click here.

Free N95 Respirators
The Strategic National Stockpile has distributed N95 respirators to pharmacy distribution centers throughout the country.
Click here to find a list of pharmacies in your area that provide free N95 respirators (masks). The tool does not show their current inventory. Please check with the location for availability.
For information about how to use your N95 correctly, see How to Use Your N95 Respirator.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
What to do it you are sick
10 Things You Can Do to Manage your COVID-19 Symptoms at Home
3 Key Steps to Take While Waiting for Your COVID-19 Test Result
What your test results mean
How to Protect Yourself and Others
Guidance for Large or Extended Families Living in the Same Household
How to Safely Wear and Take Off a Mask

2 Years of COVID: What Comes Next?
AARP January 11, 2022
If there’s one thing we can safely say after two years of living under COVID-19, it’s this: Science isn’t perfect, but it works. This article, published by AARP, answers questions like:
If vaccines are “90 percent effective,” how come so many vaccinated people get sick?
Why do we need boosters? Is this proof that the vaccines don’t work?
Do new COVID pills “cure” the disease?
Why aren’t we at herd immunity yet?
What is long COVID — and how do I know if I’m at risk?
Is omicron really a game changer?
I’m vaccinated. But is there anything else I can do?
What will 2022 bring?
To find the answers to these questions, click here to read the AARP article.