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Thrift Shop &
Other Services
Temporarily closed due to COVID-19
Prior to the pandemic, Suthers was honored to offer additional services to the community. We will continue to look for ways to safely offer these services again in the future. Check back to this site for further updates.
Thrift Shop: serves the community with discount clothing and wares, and provides the primary source of funding for the Suthers Center for Christian Outreach.
Classes para Ingles: provides essential English instruction. Suthers volunteers have provided assistance with documents, essential English instruction, and other services.
Children’s Story Corner: To foster a love of books, retired teachers read stories to children during the summer break. The children participate in role play and crafts and take home books for their personal library.
The Santa Shop: St. Martins third graders and teachers donate gifts, gift cards, and raise funds to create a Santa Shop for parents to select Christmas gifts for their children.